


The National Gay Task Force issued a call today to members of the lesbian and gay communities to support a bill to be introduced this week in Congress which would extend the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment for seven years (until March 1986). The bill, introduced by Elizabeth Holtzman (D-NY) and Margaret Heckler (R-MA), has the sponsorship of 15 of the 18 Congresswomen and the strong support of President Carter and major Congressional leaders including Tip O'Neill, the Speaker of the House.

Last Wednesday (Oct. 12), the Congresswomen met with 60 major women's organizations and members of Congress at the office of Presidential Aide Margaret Costanza to conduct a briefing on the extension of the ERA deadline. A unanimous decision was reached in support of the plan.

The deadline extension, if approved by Congress, will in no way affect feminist efforts to get three more states to ratify the Amendment by the original deadline of March 1979. The extension is merely a "back-up procedure."


Jean O'Leary, NGTF CoExecutive Director and a member of the International Women's Year Commission, who represented NGTF at the White House briefing, commented afterwards: "It is vitally important that lesbians and gay men get behind the proposal to extend the ERA deadline and counter the right-wing forces which will be mobilizing to defeat this effort. People can help by writing letters to their Congresspersons and lobbying them individually in their local communities during the Congressional.recess in November."

O'Leary noted that the ERA is a crucial civil rights issue which should have our full support. "Its passage will help set a progressive climate for passage of gay rights legislation, even though it will not benefit all gays directly," she emphasized, “and the deadline extension may provide the extra time needed."

At the present time it is belleved that a simple majority, rather than a 2/3 vote, will be needed to approve the deadline extension in Congress, although the Justice Dept., has not made a final determination on this question.

Contact: Ginny Vida (212) 7411010


Maloney also urged the citizens of Wichita to revoke the ordinance which he said "violates our people's deepest religious convictions and sensibilities, and is in conflict with our moral principles."

The New York Times reports that the Eugene, Oregon City Council recently approved a


to prohibit discrimination against homosexuals. The 5 to 3 vote came on an amendment that adds the words "sexual orientation" to the city's 1969 human rights ordinance. The ordinance outlaws discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodations.

The council spent four hours discussing the measure and listening to testimony on both sides of the issue. A move to weaken the amendment was rejected on a 6 to 2 vote.

The week of November 22 to 27 Playhouse Square will feature two comedy greatsSid Caesar and Imogene Coco in the Palace .. Theatre.

1 Bring in a new, or nearly new toy to the Palace Theatre box office, and purchase a ticket for any performance of Sid Ceasar & Imogene Coca--then Playhouse Square will give you free another ticket for that same performance.

You can help make a child's Christmas a little happier and also enjoy a great show!

Meanwhile, Anita and her suspicious hubby appeared on the Phil Donahue Show in late October. Poor dears were bemoaning the loss of half her yearly income as a result of her gay vendetta. They said that most talk shows had boycotted Anita because other show business performers had threatened to permanently boycott the talk shows if she were permitted to appear. True or not, they also indicated that none of Anita's "music" has, been played on the radio for over sixth months. I call that just plain good taste!!!)


Various events and circumstances have given rise to the Dade County Coalition motivation to wage a newly massive national Florida Citrus boycott against the Florida Citrus Commission.

movement back into the hills, where it could be screened from public view."

3) The Florida Citrus Commission has yet to respond to our request to issue a statement favoring equal rights in hiring 1) During the Denver Convenanyone, regardless of sexual or tion, July 29, Jack Campbell,..affectional preference. Until they President of DCCHR announdo, this boycott will remain in efced: "We are urging the public. not to buy Florida oranges or Florida orange juice."

2) Mr. Walter Kautz, President of the Florida Farm Bureau, published an article in the September issue of FloridAgriculture. It was an open and blatant attack against the homosexual, which read in part: "They would be better served by taking the


A Message To Our Friends... Here's our heartfelt wishes for a happy Thanksgiving. HIGH GEAR

murder to occur here in recent weeks in the city's West Village.

Ronald Newcomb, 23, an actor living in Christopher Street was found hands tied and mouth gagged in his living room, after friends had reported him missing. No weapon was found and the cause of death is not


The label "gay" murder is applied to a case, a homicide spokesman stated, if the victim is known to have brought visitors back to his apartment.

The murder of "A. Mitchell" in the Village Plaza Hotel is also considered a "gay" type slaying. Bob conceded that sexual ac"Mitchell" is the pseudonym tivity should be confined to the given to the victim, a married bedroom and is really a private man and a father, who repor matter. "I might not like you iftedly checked into the hotel knew what you did in the once a month for homosexual bedroom. On the other hand," assignations. he said with delight, "I might." At this point, Anita pushed him in disapproval. I think that he protests just a little too much.

The New York Post last week reported that Anita was quoted as saying "I am sick and tired of being put on a cross continually. If they want to fire me (Florida Citrus Commission), let them do it now and give me peace... I am clearly a victim of a religious persecution and this is another evidence of the moral decay in America." Anita dear, we have news for you. You ain't seen nothin yet!!!

Gaysweek reports that the police reported the third "gay

Variety critic, Addison Verrill was murdered last month and police are holding Paul Bateson, an unemployed lab technician as the suspected killer.

Archie Rothman interviews


The DCCHR Boycott Committee hopes to obtain one million signatures on a petition which reads: "We, the undersigned, pledge not to purchase any Florida citrus products until the Florida Citrus Commission endorses the right of all persons to equal employment, regardless of affectional or sexual prefer-

ence." These will then be presented to the Florida Farm Bureau convention in Orlando, Florida November 6. "Singer" Anita Bryant will appear at this convention.

To gain further support for the boycott decals have been produced, and are being dis-

Page 5


With the pending review of the GEAR Foundation by the Internal Revenue Service for taxexempt status as a non-profit organization, here is a run-down of the events leading to the review:

June 25, 1977 --original request for tax-exemption mailed June 29, 1977 --request reIceived at Internal Revenue Service, Cleveland

Take note that IRS Cleveland will be processing the request. The more conservative Cincinnati Board will not be involved with processing and reviewing the case.

July 13, 1977IRS requests further information about the GEAR Foundation; specifically, these six points:

-copies of any pamphlets or brochures distributed by the GEAR Foundation.

a complete copy of the Articles of Incorporation

---a complete copy of any amendments to those articles -proof of filing with the Sec-


---complete copy of the original bylaws of the Foundation

tributed nationwide by the DC-retary of State of Ohio, Ted W. CHR. The decals feature the Florida orange, with the red circle, and the familiar diagonal slash across the orange. The cost of these three colored stickers have been set at: 4 for $1, 25 for $5, and 100 for $15.

A passive stand has been taken regarding Anita Bryant, and the now almost bankrupt Save Our Children group. The Coalition feels that all Ameri' cans are entitled to their opinion!!

-explanation of the source of receipts and identification of the cost of sales; i.e., financial data: What items made up the revenues? (For the most part advertising in High Gear.)

-copies of grants, leases, and/or contracts the Foundation

Continued on Pg. 18

GEAR UP-join us

Your contribution to the GEAR Foundation helps to support HIGH GEAR, the Gay Community Center of Cleveland (GCCC), the Gay Hotline/Switch board, and the Foundation itsoli.

Please mail this form, with your check or money order, to GEAR Foundation-secretary

P.O. Box 0177 Cleveland, Ohio 44101

(If you can't afford the membership dues, but would like to become a member, send a request for waiver of dues with this blank.)


GEAR Foundation Registration for Membership

$100 Wetime membership 35 annual membership

Please check one:

...Phone........ (optional)

360 sustaining $25 contributing

Robert LaGuardia, author of ...... extra donation for the community center fund "Monty," a biography of Montgomery Clift, where the actor's homosexuality, drug addiction and alcoholism are discussed in detail. Also covered are Monty's relationships with Marlon Brando, Elizabeth Taylor and others. The program is Jabberwocky on WMMS (101FM) from 8 to 9 a.m., Sunday, November 13th.

Give my name, address and phone to other Foundation members who for them.

..... Keep my address and phone number confidential

... Anonymous membership

